Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The definition of hope is to believe, desire, or trust. Hope is that intangible feeling in our inner most being that it’s going to be okay. Hope doesn’t have to be reasonable, it doesn’t even have to be probable. In fact most of the time hope is what keeps us going in hopeless situations.

My very first experience with hope was the first time I really thought about suicide. I thought it would be easier if I just died, but something stopped me. Something very, very deep in my heart told me that life would be okay and that someone, somewhere loved me. I didn’t know it yet, but God was whispering words of love and encouragement - words of hope.

When life becomes hopeless and filled with darkness we need to turn on the light. God promises that darkness can’t exist where His light is.

Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” John 8:12 (The Message)

We need to stop and look towards the only thing that can change things, Jesus Christ. We need to stop the voices that surround us and bombard us with hopelessness. We need to make the mental shift from the dark place, to a place of hope and light.

Recently I’ve had many opportunities to wallow in the dark pit of hopelessness and despair. The darkness was so heavy and oppressive and the voices were so loud. All I could hear was ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘It’s all your fault', ‘What’s the point in trying, you can’t do anything, you can’t make a difference’.

Then in the corner of the darkness was a small tiny light. The more I focused on it, moved towards it, the bigger it became. As the light became bigger, the darkness began to disappear and the voices became muffled. With the light came hope and with the hope came peace. When I have peace it is easier to find joy in life.

Accepting the gift of light, changes you. As you choose to focus on the light the power the darkness had over you dissipates and slowly your fear of the dark leaves you. You yourself become lighter, more peaceful, more joyful. Life changes. You know that you might not be able to make a difference, but your Lord and Savior can. Life is wonderful when you stand in the light and when you have hope.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit – Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Monday, January 18, 2010


It’s another new year, another time for reflection. It’s a time when many of us make resolutions, determinations, promises that this year is going to be different from last. Now is the time we look back and realize we’ve made a few wrong turns, a few side trips and we’re not on the road we’d like to be.

For me this is a time to remember how much my life has changed. I’ve been reflecting on how much it has changed in the past 10 years. I mean this time 10 years ago, I was newly wed, pregnant with my first child & living a pretty good life. I was empty on the inside even though this was a tremendously exciting time. I spent way too much money and struggled to keep up with the Jones, whoever they were. Life looked good from the outside, but on the inside there was something missing.

10 years later I’m the mother of two wonderful children. I’ve accepted the love and salvation of an incredibly merciful God. I’m studying to be a deacon and pursue a life of purpose. I’ve lost one of the most influential men in my life and I’ve seen my sister go through the pain of losing her best friend and husband. I’ve seen her struggle with finding herself and with all challenges associated with starting over again. I’ve cared for and lost a terminally ill parent.

I’ve learnt the only absolute in life is God; peace of mind comes from knowing that He is with me and is holding my hand; bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. I’ve come to accept life is less complicated if I follow instructions, don’t ask why and place God, my husband and my children above all else. I’ve learnt that looking out the window is far more enjoyable and challenging than looking in the mirror.

I don’t know what this year is going to be like. I know that I’m going to have to choose my attitude in some difficult situations. I’m hoping that I’ve learnt enough over the passed couple of years to choose action over reaction and truth over lies. I’m choosing to believe in the word and not in my feelings and emotions. This is going to be a great year. This is going to be an exciting year. I don’t know where it is headed, but it is going to be one heck of a ride.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This article from a blog I follow really spoke to me this morning. The author is Bishop David Kendall.

“Keep in touch,” we say when friends part ways. “Touch” via phone, mail, and literal, physical touch assures continuing relationship. No longer to touch or somehow to become “untouchable” signals the death of relationship, and perhaps death period.

Ask an infant who starves or fails to thrive in the absence of touch. Ask young lovers, or old lovers, whose hearts chill and harden without touch. Ask the disgraced or diseased whose hope and help dissolve apart from touch. How vital touch is. The DNA simply requires it!

And, at Christmas time, in the deepest ways, God began to give it. God reached out to touch us. In the intimacy of a virgin’s womb, in the flailing of tiny manger-held arms and legs, in the squeeze of mommy’s finger, in the embrace of daddy’s neck—TOUCH—in the hollow sockets of blind eyes, in the weakness of lame legs, in the frenzy of demon torment, in the emptiness of hunger, in the brokenness of betrayal, in the stinging of the lash, in the shock of flesh-driven spikes, in the gasps of death throes—TOUCH. The touch of God—loving, healing, saving.

Now, we have been touched in order to touch. Let the touch of God be shared with all, especially the “untouchables” within reach!