Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Full of Joy

I'm coming to your now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within in them. John 17:13

"I'd make more mistakes next time", said 85-year-old Nadine Stair when asked what she would do if she had her life to live over again. "I'd relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but I'd have fewer imaginary ones. You see, I'm one of those people who live sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them, In fact, I'd try to have nothing else - just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. I've been one of those person who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle and a raincoat. If I had to do it over again, I would travel lighter than I have. If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances, I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies."
In his final prayer, Jesus prayed that his disciples would experience the full measure of his joy-now. He prayed for us to have his joy in the middle of rush-hour traffic, screaming kids and a darkening world. He doesn't want us to wait for heaven to be full of you.
Jesus' joy has a divine purpose: to real him. He desires to fill us with overflowing joy, to proclaim his victory to the world over life's worst conditions-even in the face of hurricanes, plagues, terrorism and nuclear disaster.
But as Nadine tells us, joy flows from a foundation of truth. so many times we focus on imaginary troubles. But Jesus reminds us that joy comes from knowing the Father through the son. as you reflect on your life, whether you're 18, 38, 48 or 88, choose to live in fullness of you by taking the time to pick more daisies....and by living each moment fully aware of God's love for you.

This was my devotion today from the Women's Devotional Bible - I had to share as it really touched me. Well I'm off to take my shoes off.....

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well another Halloween has come and gone, but I still have the candy to show for it - lol.

Helen had a great time this year deciding to dress up as a Mad Scientist - yep her idea not mine.

David just loved being Spiderman. He loves it so much, we're still wearing the costume.

Halloween is a great time not only for dressing up and getting candy, but for talking to our kids about the evil in our world and about Satan. I had a great talk with Helen about what was acceptable in our family and in the eyes of God and what wasn't. I was able to talk about Satan and how he attacks us all through the year not just on one specific day and how as children of God we have nothing to fear from him.