Monday, August 2, 2010

LEAP week

Okay LEAP week is over. I’m tired, dazed and very, very happy. Its like Christmas, you spend hours and hours on preparation and its all done in a day. Yep LEAP Give-away is just like that.

For those of you that don’t know LEAP is a community project my church does every week. We close down church activities and go out into the community to meet the needs of people right there. It ends with a huge back to school give-away that includes: school supplies, personal care supplies, new underwear, food,  clothes, we have doctors, dentists, eye doctors, hair dressers and over 20 agencies all available for people to take advantage of.This is a huge under taking and an incredible blessing not only to the community, but to the church as well.

I spent hours and hours sorting clothes. I went to meetings, had many conversations with people, made decisions and lead a team of volunteers to what I can only call victory. I had the pleasure of watching someone step up to the plate and assume leadership duties at the very last minute and what a great job she did.

For me the joy has come from seeing people stretching themselves and watching them grow. I’ve been amazed at how God has worked in me and how I’ve changed and grown. My challenge is figuring out what now?

This past 2 weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. I’ve laughed over the silliest things. I’ve cried because there were so many people needing help and I couldn’t help them all. I’ve been angry because people had let us down. I’ve seen God in places you wouldn’t believe and I’ve discovered things about myself that amazed me and ashamed me.

Wow this has been a powerful 2 weeks, no wonder I’m tired and no wonder I’m filled with excited and anticipation to see what comes next.