Last night I decided was going to be the night that David started his life as a big boy and he was going to give up his button (pacifier). I had been telling him that he need to give his button to Santa for the reindeers. Last night David put his buttons into an envelope, we wrote a note and address it all to Santa. Daddy took it to the post office and we were done.
All was good until it came to bedtime and then the wheels fell off the bus. David started to cry, he wanted his button. I explained that he had put them in the envelope and that we had sent the to Santa. I told him what a big boy he was. David’s reply was “No, I’m not a big boy. I want my button” He cried and screamed for a half hour straight. After 20 mins he stopped asking for his button and started asking for Daddy.
Finally he stopped and went to sleep. He woke several times during the night, crying and frustrated. He didn’t know how to go back to sleep. He didn’t ask for his button, which amazed me. I just keep loving him, and doing my best to help him through this tough, tough lesson.
With the new day, comes a new chapter in his life. He survived the toughest lesson he’s had to learn so far in his short life. I’m so proud of him.
This experience has caused me to think about all the times we hang on to things we’ve out grown or that aren’t good for us just because we don’t want to go through the hard lesson of learning to live without it. How often do we know something isn’t good for us, but because we want it we don’t give it up? I’m praying that when I see an area of my life that needs changing I have the courage to go through the hard night, to be able to come through to the new morning and experience the new life ahead of me.